Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mesothelioma Diagnosis

A diagnosis of mesothelioma typically occurs within six months after a patient first visits their doctor concerning breathing difficulties or pain in the chest or abdomen. The initial step is to furnish an accurate and complete history of all medical problems, including current health issues, past problems, and a detailed description of the patient's current symptoms. At this stage, it is critical to mention any asbestos exposure that may have occurred in the past. If the doctor is aware that such exposure has occurred, he or she can be sure to consider the possibility of a disease related to asbestos, which can expedite a diagnosis.

Diagnostic Tests for Mesothelioma

If mesothelioma is suspected, the physician will want to confirm that the disease is present, where it is located, determine the type and size of the cancer, and determine whether or not the disease has spread. There are several tests available to help answer these questions.

Initial Considerations for Diagnosis

Preliminary factors that should be discussed with a physician before a diagnosis of mesothelioma include:
Medical history: a physician will need to discuss past and present health issues, most importantly respiratory problems. The doctor should ask the patient about a family history of cancer as well as if they previously or currently smoke.
Physical Examination: key signs a doctor should be on the lookout for include evidence of a pleural effusion or pleural mass, a reduction of chest expansion capabilities, a lack of breathing sounds, mediastinal displacement, tenderness in a localized area and any protruding tumors.
Prior asbestos exposure: The American Cancer Society states that 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by prior exposure to asbestos. Most commonly in professional environments such as power plants and chemical plants, countless men and women have been exposed to this toxic fiber including 25 million members of the armed forces.
While as many as 3,000 new patients are being diagnosed with mesothelioma annually, it is imperative to do preliminary testing to accurately establish a mesothelioma case.

Imaging Tests

Chest X-ray: This is typically the first imaging test your doctor will order. It is usually not the sole determinant of a proper prognosis, and so additional tests may be ordered.
CT Scan: Sometimes referred to as a CAT scan, this is similar to an X-ray but produces multiple images that are then assimilated by a computer to allow viewing of the tissue in greater detail. Patients receiving a CT scan are sometimes injected with a dye that will create greater contrast, thus providing greater detail.
PET Scan: Cancerous cells use and absorb sugars differently than healthy cells. This allows a PET scan to be an efficient method of detecting them. Patients are given an injection of glucose and then a scanner is used to identify any cells that are absorbing the glucose abnormally.
MRI: An MRI creates highly detailed images in three dimensions that allow a trained radiologist to identify any suspicious areas. This procedure uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce the images.

Tissue and Fluid Tests

It is normal for a doctor to perform a biopsy of the suspicious area. This involves retrieving a sample of the tissue or fluid and then testing the sample for cancerous cells. There are four main types of biopsies that a doctor may choose to order.
Fine Needle Aspiration: Mesothelioma typically leads to a build-up of fluids in the area afflicted, such as the mesothelium, or lining, in the chest cavity. To perform a fine needle aspiration, the doctor uses an extremely thin, long needle to extract a fluid sample.
Thoracoscopy: If the doctor wishes to confirm or eliminate symptoms of pericardial or pleural mesothelioma, a thoracoscopy might be ordered. This involves a tiny incision in the chest wall in order to obtain a tissue sample.
Laparoscopy or Bronchoscopy: These two procedures are conducted on different areas of the body. A bronchoscopy may be ordered to check the airway and trachea. A laparoscopy involves the removal of a sample of the tissue from the peritoneal area.
Mediastinoscopy: This test is used to examine the lymph nodes located in the neck and chest to see if the cancer has spread from its initial site.

Blood Tests

Thanks to recent breakthroughs of specific biomarkers in the blood, doctors can now detect mesothelioma in earlier stages. That being said, elevated levels of certain biomarkers  in a patient's blood does not necessairly mean that a cancer is present.
Mesomark assay - The Mesomark assay test determines the amount of soluble Mesothelin-Related Peptides (SMRP) in a patient's serum. Doctors can then measure the amount to determine if mesothelioma is present. Presence of SMRP in a patient's blood can be detected even in the earlier stages of the cancer, which gives hope for future diagnosis of mesothelioma.
miRview - This diagnostic test allows physicians to differentiate malignant mesothelioma from other forms of metastatic carcinomas affecting the membranes around the lung.  MiRview does this by testing a tissue-specific microRNA biomarker from the tumor in order to differentiate between mesothelioma and other cancers.

Diagnosis Codes for Mesothelioma

Standardized codes have been assigned to the various types of mesothelioma. Patients may not regularly encounter these codes, however, it is helpful to have them available should the doctor refer to them or a patient encounter them while performing research.
  • ICD-9 code 163: Pleural mesothelioma
  • ICD-9 code 158: Peritoneal mesothelioma
  • ICD-9 code 164: Pericardial mesothelioma

After Mesothelioma is Confirmed

A primary care physician will likely refer the patient to an oncologist, or a doctor who specializes in cancer, who has experience treating mesothelioma. The oncologist can help determine which treatment options are best for each case. Patients are also encouraged to perform their own research, providing education on the various options available in order to better discuss them with the physician. Patients are also advised to locate any available sources of support during this difficult time.

Mesothelioma Misconceptions

Mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer.

While malignant mesothelioma is often mischaracterized as a cancer of the lung because some symptoms mimic those of lung tumors, it is in fact a cancer of the mesothelium, which explains its name.  The mesothelium lines the body’s chest and abdominal cavities as well as the internal organs, lubricating and protecting them.  The mesothelium is divided into three sections: the pleura (in the chest cavity), the peritoneum (the abdominal cavity), and the pericardium (the area around the heart).
Mesothelioma most commonly develops in the pleura, the tissue lining the chest, but can also occur in the peritoneum or pericardium. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma differ from the respiratory problems caused by the more common pleural type and can include weight loss, abdominal swelling, bowel obstruction, anemia, and fever.  All three types have been attributed to asbestos exposure.

Limited exposure to asbestos is not harmful.

Though individuals who work or worked directly with asbestos-containing materials are at the highest risk for developing asbestos-related diseases, scientists have determined that there is no safe level of exposure to asbestos.  It has been suggested that even washing the clothes of someone exposed to asbestos can put the washer at risk, since asbestos fibers and dust can settle on clothing and then become airborne once again when the clothing is handled.

Chrysotile (white) asbestos poses no health risk.

The type of asbestos that was most commonly used in consumer products and construction materials is called chrysotile, or white asbestos.   It is considered a type of serpentine asbestos because its structure is thread-like, making it ideal for use in weaving and other applications.  While chrysotile is considered less dangerous than other types of amphibole asbestos, including the less commonly used amosite (brown) and crocidolite (blue) varieties, there is no safe form of asbestos.  All types release fibers when crumbled that can lodge in the lining of the lungs and cause mesothelioma.

There is no treatment for mesothelioma.

While there is currently no cure for malignant mesothelioma, there are treatments for this type of cancer.  If the condition is diagnosed early enough, the physician may remove the affected portion of the pleural mesothelium, a procedure known as a pleurectomy or a decortication.  However, surgery alone is rarely successful, and is usually combined with radiation and chemotherapy.
Though this type of cancer is resistant to radiation, if the tumors are still localized in the chest or abdominal region, radiation can sometimes prevent further tumor growth.  More effective is chemotherapy, which has been proven to increase survival rates.  As with most cancers, however, the earlier treatment begins, the better the outcome.  Since mesothelioma often goes undiagnosed until the late stages, treatment options seem limited, though new treatments and therapies are continually being developed and tested.

Mesothelioma is contagious.

This cancer is not contagious – it always has environmental causes.  When several people who work or live together develop the disease, it is because they have all been exposed to the same toxin, sometimes as a result of just one person who brings asbestos fibers on his or her clothing into the shared living or work space.

Mesothelioma is hereditary.

Mesothelioma is not hereditary, although it can appear to be if several family members contract the disease.  Children can be exposed to asbestos either in their homes and schools, or as a result of a parent who works with asbestos and unwittingly brings it home on his or her hair or clothes.  This is known as “paraoccupational secondary exposure” and can be prevented by requiring those who work with asbestos to shower and change clothing before leaving work.

Only men develop mesothelioma.

While it is true that men develop mesothelioma at five times the rate of women, females can also be affected.  The high rate in men may be explained by the scarcity of women in the workplace before World War II, as well as the continued rarity of women in the construction trades that provide the highest risk for asbestos exposure.  However, some traditionally female-oriented occupations, such as teaching and textile work, can also put women at risk of exposure.

Only smokers can develop mesothelioma.

Anyone who has been exposed to asbestos, whether or not they smoke, is at risk of developing mesothelioma.  However, it is true that smokers who have been around asbestos have a much higher chance of developing asbestos-related diseases than non-smokers with the same amount of exposure.

Mesothelioma cannot be diagnosed early.

While mesothelioma can be diagnosed early, it rarely is, since symptoms can take between 20 and 50 years to appear.  These symptoms are also similar to those of many other lung conditions.  The best chance of early diagnosis occurs if someone with a history of exposure to asbestos is regularly checked for signs of the disease.  The prognosis for patients who are diagnosed early is much better than those who are diagnosed in the later stages.

There is no help for patients and families of patients with mesothelioma.

In addition to a variety of medical resources, there are also legal steps for those who have developed asbestos-related diseases and their loved ones.  Because many employers knew the risks of working with asbestos and chose to neither inform their employees nor provide proper protective gear, these employers can often be held financially responsible for their negligence.

Curing the disease

Consulting a Physician Earlydoctor with patient

As a result of this slow development and long delay between asbestos exposure and cancer growth, individuals frequently overlook initial symptoms of mesothelioma. Furthermore, these symptoms often mimic those of less serious illnesses, leading to a common delay in seeking treatment. Unfortunately, this delay can limit treatment options and effectiveness. Therefore, it remains vital for any individuals who suspect past asbestos exposure to seek medical screening for the disease, even if symptoms are not currently present. Oftentimes, a second opinion is also recommended as mesothelioma is commonly misdiagnosed. Whether it is the stage the cancer is in, or the type of cancer, misdiagnosis happens and specialists advise patients to get second opinions. Diagnosis of mesothelioma as a stage III when it really is a stage II is a big difference and treatment options as well as prognosis may differ greatly between stages.
Several important steps after diagnosis exist for patients struggling with mesothelioma. These steps can be the difference between succumbing to the disease quickly and maintaining a high quality of life while fighting this illness. Even if symptoms that seem trivial arise, it is important to contact a physician immediately. This is especially vital for those who have had exposure to asbestos in the past.

Early Symptoms Stages of Mesothelioma

Early symptoms of mesothelioma are generally absent in patients, leading to the disease’s late diagnosis. However, it remains vital for those who were exposed to asbestos to seek regular imaging and diagnostic tests to help detect any latent signs of mesothelioma development. Individuals who experienced prolonged asbestos contact should be even more attentive to this risk, as length and intensity of exposure is strongly correlated with the development of mesothelioma.
Sometimes early symptoms of mesothelioma mirror those of other diseases or physical issues such as congestive heart failure, emphysema, weight gain or constipation. These symptoms may include shortness of breath, constant chest pain or cough, night sweats, weight loss but fluid gain, bowel obstruction, swelling of the feet, and a buildup of fluid on a chest x-ray. This fluid build up is known as a pleural effusion.

What is a Pleural Effusion?

Pleral Fluid Chart
One main symptom of mesothelioma is a buildup of the fluid between the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura. This buildup is called a pleural effusion. These membranes are coated with mesothelial cells that normally secrete a fluid that lubricates and protects the space between one’s chest wall and lung. In a healthy body, excess fluid would be absorbed into the bloodstream and lymph nodes to avoid fluid buildup. Conversely, for abnormal cases such as those seen in mesothelioma, when too much fluid is present in the area, a pleural effusion occurs.
There are two types of pleural effusions. The most common form is a transudative pleural effusion. This effusion is typically clear in color and occurs when there is an imbalance between fluid produced and that which is removed. This form is more common in a congestive heart failure.
An exudative effusion is likely to be a sign of mesothelioma. This effusion is cloudy in color and made up of cells, proteins and other fluids resembling that of a diseased pleura. In order to differentiate between the two types of effusions a fluid sample must be tested.
Removal of excess fluid can be done in a simple procedure requiring local anesthesia. The procedure, called pleurodesis, injects talc into the fluid in the lungs. According to the American Cancer Society, this substance causes irritation in the membranes making them swell and stick together. Once this bond is formed, space is eliminated making the area impermeable to fluid.
Another procedure, called pleurocentesis is a simple outpatient procedure typically lasting only 30 minutes. During this procedure, a long needle is injected through the chest cavity into the lung and drains excess fluid from the lungs.

Pleural Mesothelioma Symptoms

The most common form of this disease, pleural mesothelioma, makes up approximately 75% of all mesothelioma cases. Developing in the pulmonary (lung) region, symptoms of this disease include:

Mesothelioma Symptoms Infograph

  • Persistent dry cough without phlegm
  • Plueral effusions (typically containing blood)
  • Blood in the sputum (fluid) or coughing up blood (hemoptysis)
  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Inexplicable weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating or fever
  • Persistent chest or rib area pain, painful breathing
  • Inexplicable shortness of breath (dyspnea)
  • Development of lumps under the skin on the chest
Pleural mesothelioma symptoms generally result from the thickening of the membrane surrounding the lungs, brought on by rapidly-developing cancer cells. This rapid cell production frequently leads to an accumulation of fluid in the pleural space (pleural effusion), which brings on the most common symptoms of pleural mesothelioma, including shortness of breath, inexplicable cough and chest pain.
In a 2009 study conducted by the Texas Occupational Medicine Institute regarding 221 cases of pleural mesothelioma, they found these signs and symptoms to be the most presenting:

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms

The second most common form of mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma, develops in the tissue surrounding the abdominal cavity, known as the peritoneum. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Inexplicable weight loss
  • Sweating or fever
  • Swelling or pain in the abdomen
  • Ascites (fluid buildup between the peritoneum and the abdominal organs)
  • Anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea, constipation or any other inexplicable changes in the bowels
  • Development of lumps under the skin on the abdomen
Peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms generally result from the thickening of the membrane surrounding the abdomen, brought on by rapidly-developing cancer cells. This rapid cell production frequently leads to an accumulation of fluid between the membrane layers in this area, placing pressure on the abdomen and bringing on these symptoms.
In the same study done by the Texas Occupational Medicine Institute in 2009, symptom results from 13 cases of peritoneal mesothelioma disclosed the following as the most prevalent symptoms:

Pericardial Mesothelioma Symptoms

Less than 5% of mesothelioma patients develop this form of the disease, which is present in the membrane surrounding the heart. Symptoms of pericardial mesothelioma are brought on by a thickening of the pericardial membrane and subsequent fluid buildup. Pericardial mesothelioma symptoms include:

  • Heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat
  • Pain in the chest
  • Inexplicable difficulty breathing (dyspnea)
  • Sweating or fever
  • Fatigue
Because this form of mesothelioma so rarely affects patients, its symptoms are not as widely recognized, making this condition more difficult to diagnose. This difficulty in diagnosis makes treating this disease especially difficult, leading to a generally-poorer prognosis for this form of mesothelioma than others.
In a 1994 study done by the Texas Heart Institute, in an assessment of 28 individuals diagnosed with pericardial mesothelioma, the following were the most commonly cited presenting symptoms:

Testicular Mesothelioma Symptoms

Since 1950, less than 100 cases of this form of mesothelioma have been recorded, making it extremely rare. Because of this rare appearance, the symptoms of this disease remain largely unknown. Today, the only recognized symptom of testicular mesothelioma are testicular lumps and swelling of the scrotum.
Oftentimes the tumor in the testicle is only discovered when a patient undergoes surgery for other reasons, such as hernia repair.

Symptoms Indicative of Metastatic Spread

Unfortunately, not all mesothelioma cases stay confined to the originating site. When cancer cells travel to other parts of the body and form new tumors, this process is called metastasis. This can happen when cancer cells get into the bloodstream or lymph vessels and travel to other parts of the body.

Research says that about 44% of cases end up metastasizing. Moreover, since most cases of mesothelioma are not diagnosed until the later stages of the cancer, it is probable that the cancer has spread making it either inoperable or prognosis of an operation grim.
Symptoms that are most clearly noted for local invasion include:
  • Dysphagia (coughing/spitting up blood)
  • Horners syndrome
  • Other neurological syndromes
  • Laryngeal nerve palsy
  • Nerve involvement of the arm
Furthermore, in rare instances, if the cancer spreads to the spinal canal, paraplegia can occur. Other rare occurrences include clubbing of the fingers and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA). These incidences tend to appear in patients who also have asbestosis.

When Do Mesothelioma Symptoms Arise

As stated above, since the latency period of mesothelioma is 20 to 50 years, most patients do not notice symptoms for years, even decades after their exposure to asbestos. A 2009 study conducted by the Texas Occupational Medicine Institute reviewed 217 men and 21 women diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.

Latency, the time period between the initial exposure and diagnosis of the cancer was detected in 191 of the 238 cases. The average latency time interval was 48. 5 years with a range of 18 to 70 years. The study also stated that there was no statistical difference in the latency for peritoneal versus pleural cases of mesothelioma (45.9 versus 48.6, respectively). Also, there was no statistical difference between those with and without asbestosis. Conversely, the study found evidence to prove that women had a longer latency period compared to men (53.3 versus 47.9).
The average age of diagnosis was 70.3 years with a range of ages from 34 to 92. While the age of diagnosis for peritoneal mesothelioma was slightly younger than the pleural mesothelioma cases (65.4 versus 70.6). Another study with a larger pool of mesothelioma patients was conducted in 1992. This study, encompassing 1,690 cases, found the median latency to be 32 years.
With such a great latency period, the best method is early detection. If the cancer is caught in stage I or II there is a better chance the patient can undergo curative surgery. Only a medical specialist can diagnose something as complex as malignant mesothelioma so it is best to consult a physician if symptoms become present.

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Patients with mesothelioma generally do not demonstrate symptoms of this disease until 20 to 50 years after their initial exposure to asbestos. Fibers that embed in the tissue surrounding the body’s internal organs, the mesothelium, usually must be present for many decades before the development of cancer. These fibers gradually accumulate and cause scarring, which leads to inflammation and cancer. Although these fibers are most often introduced into the body through inhalation, the material can also be introduced through ingestion as well. Initially, symptoms may be mild and an individual might not find them cause for alarm. However, as the cancer spreads, these symptoms become more severe and debilitating.   

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Asbestos and peritoneal mesothelomia

Asbestos is a raw petrified that was formerly victimized in the interpretation and national transformation industries. It was put on ceilings when it was integrated with aertex, it was victimized to form surfaces trailer shine unsusceptible and it was also mixed with filler as it is very rugged. At one point asbestos was seen as a revolution for these industries as it was meet so versatile - it was also fatal. No one realised at the quantify that every dimension they were unprotected to asbestos that they were attractive their spiritedness in their guardianship and swing themselves in place danger. Asbestos is now banned but its heritage lives on in the thousands of fill who are somatesthesia the after effects of existence unclothed to it over the geezerhood.
Danger to asbestos is directly connate to sure types of someone, including peritoneal mesothelioma which is person of the membranes in the abdominal space. Peritoneal mesothelioma is the product rarest modify of mesothelioma and each gathering it is answerable for around 20% of the cases of diagnosed mesothelioma. As exposure to asbestos is the only famous grounds of peritoneal mesothelioma there are two main distance that doctors consider that it can actually attain the abdominal surround. One way is finished the digestion of asbestos fibres which is actually simplified than most strength cerebrate. Erst in the digestive group the asbestos fibres get stuck in the peritoneum and over measure this can outcome in peritoneal mesothelioma. The product way that asbestos gets to the stomach is finished the lymph nodes and lungs when asbestos is inhaled. In both cases pleural mesothelioma instrument ending in peritoneal mesothelioma ad the asbestos moves through the lungs and into the abdominal hole if hand of peritoneal mesothelioma is commonly prefab when a patient exhibits signs much as discompose in the cavity, pectus or breadbasket and more litigator hernias are actually created by a tumour caused by peritoneal mesothelioma. Oftentimes a misdiagnosis that does not permit peritoneal mesothelioma can be prefab and this can hold severe repercussions on the lifetime prospect of a uncomplaining. It is regular for someone who is intellection to know peritoneal mesothelioma to score to stomach umpteen tests to get a accurate identification and these tests are picturing scans and tissue biopsies.
Patients who are found to hold peritoneal mesothelioma do not bang a redeeming forecast. Still if a identification of peritoneal mesothelioma is made archaean enough they could love surgery to take the disease and both cases it can employ a diligence's sprightliness movement for a few writer eld. If surgery is not an deciding then chemotherapy or therapy can assist tho' there is no assure that this module make often of a disagreement. It is intrinsical that a individual with peritoneal mesothelioma gets the correct so that they are as snug as they can be. Peritoneal mesothelioma, same the new forms of mesothelioma is highly acrid and hard to untaped with.

peritoneal mesothelioma

peritoneal mesothelioma can be characterized as a crab that affects the application of the belly. It occurs in the tissues coating the abdominal hollow that hold a changeable that enables the organs to relocation and play properly. It is a somebody and purely crab which is related with asbestos danger
a pigment belonging to the amphibole grouping used in making fireproof articles. Asbestos exposure can venture plain welfare complications.
Peritoneal mesothelioma is also illustrious or referred to as spread peritoneal mesothelioma
as this is the gauge where the soul spreads out. Among asbestos kindred diseases
peritoneal mesothelioma is the most informal mortal.
Peritoneal mesothelioma can be real terminal in numerous cases if unconventional diagnosing and management is through. The interval stop is real retentive [ten to bill period] and most of the abstraction it is diagnosed when the disease is recovered move into the body. Mesothelioma can move any relation and bureau of the body if not detected on period.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms
Symptoms of perotoneal mesothelioma may not appear shortly after danger to asbestos. It may cross a protracted period of indication and may be semitransparent after a lasting example.
1 Most of the symptoms resemble that of flu
2 Breadbasket pains
3 febrility
4 Abdominal puffiness may occur
5 Due to symptom of abdomen
extreme painfulness in the inside organs may train determine
6 Lowness of breather attended by a unforgettable expiration due to flesh up of disposable between the facing of the lungs and the pectus caries celebrated as pleural gush.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma Sources
the important germ or create of fill processing peritoneal mesothelioma is Asbestos. Asbestos is a touchable old in shipyards and industries. Asbestos adds to the permanence and render condition degree and gives posture to products and protects them against corroding. Breath of asbestos can be sedate and terminal in numerous cases. It causes the deface tissues to meliorate on lowly lobes of both lungs
major to modest cuts and lacerations in paper. It can spoil lung elasticity and the lung's cognition to sufficiently work gases.
Diagnosing of Peritoneal mesothelioma
One of the field obstacles in designation peritoneal mesothelioma lies in its symptoms resembling flu with Pyrex and remaining symptoms. Many patients and doctors are unable to value the disease unless the tumors of peritoneal mesothelioma drive severe abdominal lump and symptom.
The identification may be based on X- ray or CT interpret. In both these methods of designation
elaborate images of the embody are purloined in which the rank image of the embody becomes overtake and the scholar is fit to describe where the cancerous cells are located.
at times an explorative surgery is also carried out based on the medico's medication. Also
a biopsy is carried out in which a take of the cells is arrogated from the struck parceling of the body
and it proven under the microscope to bill for antidromic development. A execution experimentation is also done to judge out possibilities of added diseases and ailments.
luwoye-olajide temitope gbenga is an proficient in symptoms and diagnosing of peritoneal mesothelioma